“It's been amazing to connect with the whole group. To hear so many different perspectives, overlaps and shared experiences. I cannot put into words how alone I felt during my (spiritual) emergency and how wonderful it is to have a community like this. A huge sense of relief and wonderment for the divine timing of it all.”
“I am very grateful to have been part of this group. I found it helpful. I enjoyed the videos and opening and closing meditations. I liked the sharing aspect… It was nice to connect with people that have shared similar experiences when I often feel I am alone in the world.”
“The makeup of the group is a valuable resource and more clarity and integration can come for all of us by continuing our relationship… Thanks again for both of your time and a heartfelt launching into this vast space. Feeling guided on my compassionate emergence for myself and community!”
“It's been such a support and amazing resource in my process. I appreciated the invitation to connect with the group's guide and the meditations of connecting with the group and centering in ourselves… It was very useful to hear others' similar experiences to mine, it was normalizing, it is not something out there anymore, those experiences felt integrated because they were mirrored and validated…, it has been great to have this beautiful experience with this like-minded and lovely group!”
“Thanks for giving us the gift of community. I really felt your sincerity and support, Emma and Kyle. Each person in this group quickly became special in my heart. (It's amazing how being vulnerable pulls on our instinct to protect)…Thanks for the love.”
“I too have a sense that the makeup of the group is a valuable resource and more clarity and integration can come for all of us by continuing our relationship. ”