FREE Course: Psychosis: What is it?

Available Now: Takes 45 minutes

Various video presentations and articles help you review different perspectives on psychosis. A quiz will help you to contemplate what you have called "psychosis". You will get a free book that gives an enlightening perspective from qualified experts on an important element of diagnosis and treatment. Join the dialogue!

Psychosis describes an extreme state of consciousness. It is usually understood as a disease. Meet seasoned professionals who share alternative perspectives gained from decades of experience.

Your Take Home: 

You will be more able to describe different ways of looking at the extreme states lumped together as “psychosis” plus ways of engaging and coping with, and transforming, these states beyond the use of psychiatric medication. This will include:

  1. An overview of how some transformative, articulate, progressive psychiatrists and psychologists approach “psychosis”;

  2. How looking at extreme states as “mental illness” can lead to stigma and the shunning of those in distress.

  3. How the label of “psychosis” at times refers to normal responses to trauma;

  4. How extreme states can entail potential for positive transformation.


  • Overview: Defining “psychosis”
  • Jim van Os, MD, in middle photo below, on normalizing psychosis 
  • Take the quiz – contemplate symptoms
  • Re-evaluate the dominant, biomedical view
  • Consider trauma-based approaches
  • Learn how the concept of “spiritual emergency” can be of value 
  • Free book and video by Anne Cooke, PhD. 


Course Designer

Senior Instructor

Emma Bragdon is the Founder and Executive Director of Integrative Mental Health University, She earned her PhD in Transpersonal Psychology in 1987 and was licensed in California as a Marriage, Family, Child Therapist in 1988. As a pioneer who has helped define the field of spiritual emergency, Emma has published 7 books and co-produced 2 documentary films. Within IMHU Emma has trained over 110 Spiritual Emergence Coaches• who are available to support individuals disoriented or in distress as they open spiritually. She also leads a small group of healthcare providers to Brazil once a year to learn about the Spiritist paradigm of mental healthcare from Spiritist practitioners. Emma maintains a private practice, consulting internationally via zoom. See for more info. on books/films. See for personal consultations.


“ Emma Bragdon is the most progressive mental and spiritual health educator!” 

-Sober Buddha Counseling, Michael Hoffman, MA. Dana Point, CA

“Emma Bragdon is doing excellent work and I know it is making a difference in people’s lives.”

 -Stanley Krippner, PhD. Editor of “Varieties of Anomalous Experience”

“Thank you for this generous offering. I really appreciate the variety of ways information is presented. My gratitude to each of the caring practitioners who speak truth to power and who cultivate a capacity to look into the eyes of another with great compassion and offer dignity.”–Martha Lynch

An excellent introduction to this subject, looking forward to expanding my understanding and hopes for a better Mental Health approach in the future. - Virginia Bennett

More Reviews

5 star rating

Clear title and content

Penni Kolpin

Nice organization of material.

Nice organization of material.

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5 star rating

Concise & Informative

Catherine Nolan

This brief course offers a conscise overview of the leading edge of treatment for psychosis.

This brief course offers a conscise overview of the leading edge of treatment for psychosis.

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5 star rating

Thank you!

Kelly Gootee

This course is beginning to open many doors as I seek to find new perspectives and novel approaches for healing and understanding mental illness as we currently define it.

This course is beginning to open many doors as I seek to find new perspectives and novel approaches for healing and understanding mental illness as we currently define it.

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5 star rating


Manuella VALDOR

Very informative

Very informative

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5 star rating

Psychosis: What is it?

KarJeffery McIntosh

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