Live ONLINE Meetups for USA: March 21, 7-8pm ET

Q& A/ LIVE Discussion

Increasing numbers of people are awakening due to stress (e.g. war-time, pandemic, ecological crises). Use of psychedelics, plant medicines and meditation practices add to the increase. They are signposts of human evolution. But, healthcare providers have not been educated about how to differentiate intense spiritual experiences from symptoms of mental illness. Learn the benefits of awakening here as well as become aware of the risks in particular environments dedicated to awakening. 3.5 Continuing Ed Credits available.

You will see 6 unique vid interviews:

Steve Taylor, Phd. Author, Researcher, Poet and University Instructor speaks about human evolution and the increase in awakening experiences.

Emma Bragdon, PhD, is a pioneer in the field of spiritual emergency and the crises that can occur in awakening.  She has written 7 books and co-produced 2 films on related topics.

 Rick Archer has completed almost 700 interviews with people who are awakening.  Many are spiritual teachers.  Rick is also a founder of the Association for Spiritual Integrity.

Kristine Kaoverii Weber, MA, Yoga Teacher & Therapist, ERYT500, C-IAYT is the Founder/Director of Subtle Yoga in Asheville, NC, USA.  She has developed exceptional ways of assisting students to confront mental health issues through restorative hatha yoga. She will be interviewed with Susan Klein-Holmen, a yoga teacher and Spiritual Emergence Coach®.

Kyle Buller, MS, is the co-founder of Psychedelics Today and the Vice President of Education and Training of Guides involved with psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and integration.  He is also a Spiritual Emergence Coach®.

Jessica Nathanson is a Spiritual Emergence Coach® who speaks about the need for spiritual teachers and retreat administrators to recognize and help manage spiritual emergencies during intensive workshops and meditation retreats.

Learning Objectives

On completion students will be better able to:

  • 1. Improve ability to recognize and assess ‘awakening’ and/or ‘spiritual’ experiences. Also to discern the difference between these experiences and categories of mental illness more familiar to them in their training, their lexicon, or their common language.

  • 2. List 6 ways that catalyze ‘awakening’ or ‘spiritual’ experiences making it vital that patient stories be part of intake.

  • 3. Describe 6 markers of human evolution and a number of ways that ‘awakening’ experiences support human evolution.

  • 4. Describe the ways psychiatry & psychology have held back from learning how to support awakening.

  • 5. Explain the length of time (history) that psychiatry and psychology have held back from recognizing ‘awakening’ or ‘spiritual’ experiences.

  • 6. Describe the ways we see psychiatry & psychology beginning to open up to support ‘awakening’ experiences.

  • 7. List 5 ways you have learned to improve care and support for those having ‘awakening’ experiences.

  • 8. Revise the way treatment unfolds in your community for those seeking support who are having ‘awakening’ or ‘spiritual’ experiences.

  • 9. Analyze the reasons it is important to create a universal language for ‘awakening’ or ‘spiritual’ experiences within the lexicon used by healthcare providers.

  • 10. List published books and articles for further reading and discussion, advocating these ideas and perspectives.

Course curriculum

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    • (1.5 min vid) Welcome & Mark Your Calendar

    • (1min read) Acknowledgement, Request, and Disclaimer

    • (2 min vid) Setting the Stage: Emma Bragdon, PhD. & Resources for Further Study

    • (1 min read) Deepak Chopra: It's Time to Align Mental Health with Spirituality

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    Unique Video Interviews

    • (22 min vid interview) Steve Taylor, PhD Speaks About Evolution and Spiritual Awakening

    • (20 min vid) Stories That Illustrate Awakenings in Clinical Setting with Emma Bragdon, PhD.

    • (19 min vid) Interview with Rick Archer of Buddha at the Gaspump

    • (23 min vid) Interview Kyle Buller, MS, Co-founder of Psychedelics Today

    • (20 min vid) Interview Yoga Teachers: Kristine Weber, MA, and Susan Klein-Holman

    • (23 min vid) Interview with Jessica Nathanson re: Caution needed with teachings

    • Live Discussion: Tuesday, March 21, 2023--7-8pm ET/ 4-5pm PT

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    • (2 min vid) Summary with Emma Bragdon, PhD.

    • Quiz: For Those Getting Continuing Ed Credits


Get Continuing Ed Credits

Continuing Education Credits are available for this course for mental health professionals, nurses and MDs. Go to to sign up for them. The fee is $50. for each course you take. On completion this course can award you with 3.5 Continuing Education credits or CMEs. Everyone who finishes the course will receive a course completion certificate.

Our Guarantee

If you are not satisfied with the contents of this course within 5 days of registration--let us know at [email protected]. We will return your registration fee.

Interviewer & Course Creator

Senior Instructor

Emma Bragdon is the Founder and Executive Director of Integrative Mental Health University, She earned her PhD in Transpersonal Psychology in 1987 and was licensed in California as a Marriage, Family, Child Therapist in 1988. As a pioneer who has helped define the field of spiritual emergency, Emma has published 7 books and co-produced 2 documentary films. Within IMHU Emma has trained over 110 Spiritual Emergence Coaches• who are available to support individuals disoriented or in distress as they open spiritually. She also leads a small group of healthcare providers to Brazil once a year to learn about the Spiritist paradigm of mental healthcare from Spiritist practitioners. Emma maintains a private practice, consulting internationally via zoom. See for more info. on books/films. See for personal consultations.
