Available Now--Review Anytime

All loving relationships go through ups and downs...ideally, each person finds a way to deepen in love by successfully working out conflicts. Children thrive in that environment as do all members of the extended family. Learn techniques to help yourself and your family members overcome conflicts.

Your Take Home

  • Understand what it means to use relationship as a kindly path to growth

  • Get practical tools for overcoming conflict through Open Hearted Listening

  • Learn skills to increase your capacity to be more consistently loving.

Everyone Thrives in Loving Relationship

Techniques you learn apply to all kinds of relationships--including your relationship to yourself!


Course curriculum

  • 1

    6 Essential Skills to Grow Loving Relationships

    • (1 min read) Intro with Emma Bragdon, interviewer

    • (3 min vid) Meet Don and Martha Rosenthal, Couples Counselors

    • (18 min vid) How to Turn Difficulties into Compost That Nurtures Love

    • (19 min vid) The Most Essential Skill for Relationships to Thrive

    • (3-min vid): 5 Ways to Feed the Taproot of Well-Being with Your Partner

    • (25 min vid) Martha Rosenthal on Finding the Path to Increasing Joy

    • (1 min read) Meditation Changes the Brain for the Better!

    • (10 min Audio) Guided Meditation with Don Rosenthal

    • (2 min read) List the 6 Essentials for Creating Thriving Relationships for Review

    • (1 min read) Planning Your Action Steps for the Future

    • (1 min read) Next Steps