FREE Course: Start Anytime

You can improve mental health using many effective, non-drug, inexpensive options. You will learn about "Integrative" Mental Health: what it is, why we need it, and how it can help you or a loved one. Lasts one hour and includes a 39 min. webinar. Join us!

Integrative mental health is a recent advance in mental health care.  Like holistic psychiatry it attends to body, mind and spirit; but,  "Integrative" also brings you the most effective treatments from all cultures.  It goes beyond the limitations of psychiatric medications and may replace the need for them.  It includes the responsible use of psychedelic-assisted therapy.


 At your convenience. Anytime.  With no limit.


All online. Presentation includes practical remedies and lots of cartoons, a 39-minute slide show, recommended books, websites, and many other resources and contacts.

You will learn:
  • Grounded techniques for how to support your well being/ recovery using integrative mental healthcare

We adhere to:  Simplest is often best

You will find value in: What’s been tried and true continues to be true over time.

Mostly--you will feel inspired.  It's all doable.

Best of all: 

You will get perspective on the mythologies underlying  the effectiveness of psychiatric medications and enter into the world of effective non-drug treatments for mental health issues. Although  drugs do have their time and place, and can even save lives, we suggest you start caring for yourself in more natural ways that are highly effective before turning to the drugs that can disrupt brain function and may have very severe side-effects.  They simply don't work for all people.


There is no charge. However, if you find value in it, please consider giving IMHU a donation.  We are a charitable organization and depend on student registration fees and donations to continue with our service. Any donations made are tax-deductible.  Click on to learn more.

This course is not a replacement for a qualified personal health advisor.  Should you or a loved one be in a personal crisis please consult a qualified health professional to address your unique needs.

Course Instructor

Senior Instructor

Emma Bragdon is the Founder and Executive Director of Integrative Mental Health University, She earned her PhD in Transpersonal Psychology in 1987 and was licensed in California as a Marriage, Family, Child Therapist in 1988. As a pioneer who has helped define the field of spiritual emergency, Emma has published 7 books and co-produced 2 documentary films. Within IMHU Emma has trained over 110 Spiritual Emergence Coaches• who are available to support individuals disoriented or in distress as they open spiritually. She also leads a small group of healthcare providers to Brazil once a year to learn about the Spiritist paradigm of mental healthcare from Spiritist practitioners. Emma maintains a private practice, consulting internationally via zoom. See for more info. on books/films. See for personal consultations.

Reviews from Former Students

5 star rating


Mariangela Manatt

I enjoyed this course. Very informative.

I enjoyed this course. Very informative.

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5 star rating


Jamey Sinardi

It is wonderful to get a breath of fresh air when speaking about health. I love this approach and found this course to be very informative thank you!

It is wonderful to get a breath of fresh air when speaking about health. I love this approach and found this course to be very informative thank you!

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5 star rating

very good

Lana Cherris

i enjoyed the presentation and info including links and suggested readings. the injection of humor was appreciated too. thank you, stay safe.

i enjoyed the presentation and info including links and suggested readings. the injection of humor was appreciated too. thank you, stay safe.

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5 star rating

Integrative Metnal Health: What is it?

Hilaria Hansbrough

I'm so grateful this information and your service is available.

I'm so grateful this information and your service is available.

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