Pay for Course only or Course with 4.5 CEs

Available Immediately: 4.5 Hours

What if nutrition was better than pills?

..Pre-recorded webinars available as soon as you register. Dr. Shervanick advises you on evidence-based nutrient therapy and how it can enhance mental health–even replace the need for psychiatric medications. Two webinars, two recorded Q&A sessions, plus resources for further study. Also included: a discount for testing and analysis about your unique need for nutrients.

Current research shows that certain genetic weaknesses and physical conditions-especially digestion problems- can catalyze moderate to serious mental disturbances. Yet, nutrition is generally either not taught in medical schools–or it’s given no more than a very short acknowledgement (in 30 minutes). This course shows you how emotional imbalances can be overcome or improved through natural supplements, good nutrition, and positive choices regarding sleep, exercise and your social environment.

Format: Each session lasts an hour. All events were pre-recorded & come to you at the same time after registration.
  1. Webinar: Nutrients that can help when facing Depression and/or Anxiety
  2. Webinar: Nutrients that help with Bipolar and Psychosis/ Schizophrenia
  3. 2 Teleconferences in which participants and Dr. Shervanick did Q&A
You will learn:
  • The relationship of nutritional health to transforming psychiatric brain differences.
  • New concepts related to the biochemical individuality of people.
  • How to compensate for nutritional deficiencies related to depression, anxiety, psychosis and bipolar disorder.
  • The role toxicity of the mind and body play in psychiatric symptoms.
  • Practical recommendations for supplements.
  • Resources for testing for your unique needs


Pam ShervanickPam Shervanick is a Board Certified Adult Psychiatrist.  She is also certified by the Walsh Research Institute for "Mastering Brain Chemistry" via the Physician Education Workshop with William Walsh, PhD., author of the book, Nutrient Power. Dr. Walsh is an internationally recognized expert in nutrition-micronutrients-mental health and a key scientist paving the way for nutrient-based psychiatry and nutritional medicine.

4.5 CEs or CMEs Available

Everyone completing the course receives a Certificate of Completion. If you have registered for CEs you need to send us your information re your license. On completion this course can award you with 4.5 Continuing Education credits or CMEs.
CE credit


“Dr. Shervanick helped me see that I have control over the direction life takes me, and that there is no limit to potential if you believe that.”

  1. “Dr. S, you told me over and over “I’m not broken”. You accepted me as the mess I was and coached me through the rough times, accepting me as I was and brought me through to a more positive self: a self that will make more positive decisions for my personal mental well being!”

  2. “The most important thing you ever taught me was to never be governed by fear. Don’t decide out of fear. Whenever you feel afraid or uncomfortable, that is where you are supposed to go. You also gave me the encouragement to do what I want and not be imprisoned by my shoulds and gave me liberation from unwanted obligations. I love you and will cherish your love, kindness, encouragement and inspiration always.”