Immediate Access: Have It Indefinitely

View Professionally Curated & Created Videos

Assess the documented risks of taking psychiatric medications by watching video interviews/presentations by reputable MDs, progressive psychiatrists, and researchers. You will gain access to resources for effective alternatives to meds, and further education. Resources include info on finding the kind of psychiatrist you want to work with. (3 hour course/ 3 CE Credits available)

On Completion Of This Course You Will Be Better Able to:

  • Assess the value of psychiatric medications 
  • Understand why we continue to rely on psychiatric medications
  • Offer qualified reasons not to over-rely on these medications
  • Discover resources for making informed decisions about psych meds
  • Learn about some effective alternatives to psych meds
  • Become more “integrative”–as a consumer or a provider

Time: At your convenience

Location: Online


Follow 4 sections in sequence or  cherry pick what interests you.  You’ll watch engaging videos, have a little reading, and discuss  with other students and the facilitator, if you wish.  You’ll enjoy an interlude with a comedian—Laughter is, after all, the best medicine.

The vids you will see of  influential MDs, researchers, and psychiatrists  are leading us away from drive-thru psychiatry (relying too heavily on psych meds) to a more effective, humane way of overcoming mental health problems.

Dr Bragdon has created a thoughtful interweaving of information –mostly in vids–to help you  be able to find an integrative psychiatrist to assist with optimizing mental health and not over-relying on psych meds.  This means you don’t have to sort out this complex field on your own, spinning through google and youtube.

The 4 Section Agenda:

    1. Introduction

    2. Risks of Prescription Drugs: 

  • Peter Goetzche, MD
  • David Healy, MD: What People Experience on Psych Meds
  • Robert Whitaker: Longterm Outcome of Anti-Psychotics and Effective Alternatives to Meds
  • Peter Breggin, MD: Spell Binding is Not Just for Witches
  • Help with Withdrawal from Meds: Mad in America Resources

    3. Taming the Dragons of Autism and ADHD

  • Labeling ADHD Like Crazy
  • What is ADHD: A Disease? Set of Behaviors? Symptoms of Nutritional Needs?

     4. How to Find a Referral or Acquire Training


Get 3 Continuing Education Credits

Continuing Education Credits are available for this course for mental health professionals, nurses and MDs. Go to to sign up for them. The fee is $50. for each course and we need you to fill out an application to specify some details for each course you take. On completion this course can award you with 3 Continuing Education credits or CMEs. Everyone will receive a course completion certificate on completion.

Our Guarantee

If you are not completely satisfied with the course, let us know within 10 days. We will refund your money in full.


Senior Instructor

Emma Bragdon is the Founder and Executive Director of Integrative Mental Health University, She earned her PhD in Transpersonal Psychology in 1987 and was licensed in California as a Marriage, Family, Child Therapist in 1988. As a pioneer who has helped define the field of spiritual emergency, Emma has published 7 books and co-produced 2 documentary films. Within IMHU Emma has trained over 110 Spiritual Emergence Coaches• who are available to support individuals disoriented or in distress as they open spiritually. She also leads a small group of healthcare providers to Brazil once a year to learn about the Spiritist paradigm of mental healthcare from Spiritist practitioners. Emma maintains a private practice, consulting internationally via zoom. See for more info. on books/films. See for personal consultations.