What is ADHD? – Part One


About 6.1 million children in the USA (9.4 percent) between ages 2 to 17 are estimated to have been diagnosed with ADHD or ADD, according to a 2016 study from the CDC. Most are prescribed stimulant drugs to manage it. There's a downside to that approach. This 30 min. course introduces what ADD and ADHD is all about. It gives you data about why we need effective alternatives to the drugs. It prepares you for Part 2 of the course which spells out the practical application of effective, natural alternatives to medications.

Do you have an ADHD child or loved one who has trouble concentrating or choosing priorities and acting on what’s most important?  Are you looking for help making decisions about how to treat Attention Deficit Disorder(ADD)  and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)?  We have reviewed the current research on ADD and  ADHD.  We put it in a nutshell so you don’t have to spend your time in a search for it.  We give you a summary of our review on the risks and benefits of medication.  We offer a way to think about the most beneficial type of education young people need if they tend towards ADD or ADHD.  This can be very valuable for you in making decisions about medication and choices for education and recreation.

Your Take Home: 

You will– 

  • Be informed about the various ways people understand an ADHD diagnosis, i.e. is it an illness or an asset?
  • Consider how you may be helping or hindering your ADHD child,
  • Better understand why there are so many kids on ADHD meds now,
  • Be able to consider both the risks and benefits of medication after hearing from experts,
  • Be better able to find education that fits those with ADHD diagnosis to increase well-being and resilience.
  • Be prepared to evaluate and use the effective alternatives offered in Part 2.  (Click here to see Part 2)

 Dates:  Participate and watch vids at your convenience.  All pre-recorded.

Location:  Online  —anywhere that you have internet access!

Format:    Most activities are brief ; so they fit into a busy schedule. You can join with the facilitator and others online, if you wish, for discussion.

Part Two of this Course gives 10 effective alternatives to conventional ADHD treatment with psychiatric medications.

ADHDFacilitator: Emma Bragdon, PhD., Founder/ Executive Director of IMHU.  She was licensed as a Marriage, Family, Child Therapist in 1988.

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