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This course defines and normalizes Spiritual Emergence and Emergency. Six dynamic, articulate experts describe what Spiritual Emergency can feel like – physically, emotionally and spiritually – and what adequate community support provides for those in crisis . If you are wondering if you are in a Spiritual Emergency or were at some point, or you are wondering how to introduce the concepts of Spiritual Emergency and Spiritual Emergence to others--this course can help. Takes about 1 hour 45 minutes to complete. 1.5 Continuing Ed Credit to those who register for it (see below).

Your Take Home

and Organization of the Course

On Completion You Will be Better Able to:

  • Describe what Spiritual Emergency is.
  • Describe the biological and shamanic perspectives on Spiritual Emergency.
  • Understand the history of this area of psychology, typically not covered in conventional programs focused on mental health

Organization of the Course:

  1.  A quick definition of terms, including the differences between Spiritual Emergence and Emergency.
  2. Two TED talks that eloquently reveal what can happen with our brain and physiology during an intense spiritual experience and, how some indigenous people have perceived the phenomena of spiritual awakening through the ages.  
  3. Two scholoarly talks: Emma Bragdon, PhD, gives more of the history of this arena, followed by  Stan Grof MD, who suggests that Spiritual Emergency may even be the root cause of the current global crises. 
  4. Two scholarly articles apply the concept of Spiritual Emergency to the workings of psychology and psychiatry. 
  5. The final lesson links you to ways you can acquire more practical skills in managing spiritual emergency or supporting a client in this crisis.
  6. An optional mini-quiz at the end can help you  reflect on what you remember. (Nobody checks the results.)

YOU choose when you want to dip into the materials.  They are immediately available to you after registration.


All online.

Going Deeper:

If you are thinking you have had a spiritual emergency and/or you want to help others suffering from this crisis: Consider taking other courses at IMHU that can be supportive offering theory and practical suggestions for care.  "How to Effectively Support Someone in Spiritual Emergency" course has 5 online webinars with supportive materials (videos, articles, worksheets).  IMHU also offers an additional live Practicum for those who want to become certified as a Spiritual Emergence Coach®. Continuing Ed Credit is available for each of these courses.

Course Fee

Course Completion Certificate and CE/CMEs

Every student will receive a course completion certificate on completion. 1.5 Continuing Education Credits or CMEs are available for mental health professionals, nurses and MDs. The fee is $50. Please fill out an application to specify some details we need to send you the CEs.

Course Designer

Senior Instructor

Emma Bragdon is the Founder and Executive Director of Integrative Mental Health University, IMHU.org. She earned her PhD in Transpersonal Psychology in 1987 and was licensed in California as a Marriage, Family, Child Therapist in 1988. As a pioneer who has helped define the field of spiritual emergency, Emma has published 7 books and co-produced 2 documentary films. Within IMHU Emma has trained over 110 Spiritual Emergence Coaches• who are available to support individuals disoriented or in distress as they open spiritually. She also leads a small group of healthcare providers to Brazil once a year to learn about the Spiritist paradigm of mental healthcare from Spiritist practitioners. Emma maintains a private practice, consulting internationally via zoom. See imhu.org/store for more info. on books/films. See EmmaBragdon.com for personal consultations.

Our Guarantee to You

If you are dissatisfied with this course within the first 5 days of registering for this course let us know: [email protected]. We will gladly refund your fee.

Newest Reviews

5 star rating

An accurately descriptive title

Deborah Merchant

This was a solid presentation. I think, just to stir the pot a bit, it could be good to include one or two psychiatrists who do not espouse these ideas present their perceptions as well. By 'stir the pot' I mean stimulate some critical thinking ...

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This was a solid presentation. I think, just to stir the pot a bit, it could be good to include one or two psychiatrists who do not espouse these ideas present their perceptions as well. By 'stir the pot' I mean stimulate some critical thinking and discussion.

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Previous Reviews

Rated 4 out of
Rated 5 out of 5

Nice course! It sets the stage for the “How to Effectively Support Someone in Spiritual Emergency”, a course that I loved. --

Adelson Piñón, PhD. (verified owner)