Choosing Your Meditation:
Things to Consider

Things to Consider
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Emma Bragdon, PhD
Mindfulness Meditations are popular. Why? They reduce anxiety, help manage pain, and improve learning. There are more than 1,000 published research articles that attest to its effectiveness.
But…Are Mindfulness Meditations the full monty? Can mindfulness take you to the ultimate peak: Self-Realization, aka full kundalini awakening?
There’s no doubt mindfulness is calming. It also reduces symptoms of addiction and irritability. It’s grounding. It’s not tied to any religion or spiritual philosophy. It’s simply a user-friendly attention exercise.
But…if you are called to a larger psycho-spiritual goal…then you need to choose a technique of meditation designed to get you there.
All are welcome!
Also: LIVE ONLINE Meet the presenter and other students to talk about meditation: 1 hour
and Course Completion Certificate
Includes 1 hour webinar + 1 hour online live meetup + more
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Fee & CEs
(1 min read) Acknowledgements, a Request & the Disclaimer
(1 hour) MARK YOUR CALENDAR---Live Meetup: January 12, 2023, 7-8pm ET
(1 min read) Your Take Home
(1 min read) The presenter, Emma Bragdon
(51 min webinar) Comparing Different Meditations: Mindfulness and More
(1 min read/6 min meditation) Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) Meditation and Other Offerings
(3 min vid/ 1 min read) Resources for Further Exploration
(1 min vid) Deepak Chopra, MD on The Power of Mindfulness
10 minute--Mindfulness meditation called "Body Scan"
(1 min read) Meditation Changes the Brain says a Harvard Neuroscientist
(9 min vid/ 2 min read) Consciousness, Creativity and the Brain with David Lynch
(1 hour live online) Meet to Discuss Meditation, January 12th, 2023, 7pm ET
(1 min read) A Heartfelt Goodbye & Your Next Steps
Antonio Adelson Piñón Rial, Galicia, Spain
Meditation Sickness refers to the problems a practitioner of mindfulness may face that can be unexpected and debilitating. Course leads to deeper understanding, improved skills, and helpful resources. CEs available.
Kristine Weber, MA, C-IAYT, eRYT500 is a leading world authority in Subtle Yoga. Kristine gives specific techniques to enhance wellbeing. Brett Sculthorp, LCSW, talks about successes using yoga as a therapist. 3 yoga sessions included. 3.5 CEs
Screening for Spiritual Emergence-an essential task for healthcare providers of every kind. Obtain a practical survey tool to use to increase self-awareness and discernment with loved ones and clients having spiritual experiences. 1 CE available.